Africa EENI Global Business School

Maghreb (Foreign Trade, Business)

Foreign Trade and Business in Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia (Maghreb)

The Maghreb is made up five countries:

  1. Algeria
    1. Algiers, Oran, Constantine
  2. Libya
    1. Tripoli, Benghazi
  3. Mauritania
    1. Nouakchott
  4. Morocco
    1. Rabat, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Tangier, Fez, Meknes, Oujda, Agadir
  5. Tunisia
    1. Tunis, Sfax, Sousse

Business and Foreign Trade in the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Mauritania)

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Maghrebian Student Master in International Business

Business in the Maghreb, at EENI Website.

Foreign Trade and Business in the Maghreb; Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia

Request for Information Enrol / Request for Information

  1. Credits: 41 ECTS
  2. Learning materials Study Master International Business in English or French Maghreb Study Master Business Foreign Trade in Spanish Magreb Study Master International Trade in Portuguese Maghrebe

Courses related to Africa: West Africa, Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa...

  1. Professional Master in Business in Africa
  2. Professional Master in Transport in Africa
  3. Professional Doctorate in African Business
  4. Professional Doctorate in World Trade

Economic Organisations in the Maghreb

  1. Arab Maghreb Union (AMU)
  2. Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD)
  3. Agadir Agreement

Transport Corridors in the Maghreb

  1. Dakar-Lagos Corridor
  2. Cairo-Dakar Corridor
  3. Algiers-Lagos Corridor
  4. Tripoli-Windhoek corridor

Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Mauritania

Business in Morocco, Rabat, Casablanca. Foreign Trade. African Frontier Market, Tangier. Moroccan Businesspeople

Othman Benjelloun Moroccan Business People

Ports of Morocco, Casablanca, Agadir, Tangier, Mohammedia

Study a Master International Trade in Spanish Magreb Trade and Business in Africa (French) Maghreb Study, Master, Global Business, Foreign Trade, Portuguese Magrebe

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