Foreign Trade and Transport in Niger, Niamey
Business in Niger, Agadez, Niamey, uranium, HE Boubou, Hausa, Zarma, Tuareg (West Africa)
Niger is a
West African country
- Nigerien population: 19.8 million inhabitants
- Niger is a landlocked country
- Niger has always been a link between the Maghreb, Central Africa
and Sub-Saharan Africa
- The Republic of Niger is “one of the most emerging countries”
according to the UNDP (UN
Development Program)
- Niger is the world's second largest uranium producer
- African Fashion International Festival (Niamey)
- Niger share borders with Algeria (170 kilometres), Benin, Burkina Faso, Libya (354 kilometres), Mali, Nigeria (Maiduguri)
and Chad
The eight regions of Niger are:
- Agadez
- Diffa
- Dosso
- Maradi:
Nigerien economic capital
- Niamey: capital of the Republic of Niger
- Population
of Niamey: 1.3 million people
- Niamey is a “distinct urban community” composed by 5 communes
- Tahoua
- Tillabéri
- Zinder
Transport and Logistics in Niger
Benin-Niger-Burkina Faso-Ivory Coast Railway Loop

- National Road N1: Niamey-Dosso-Maradi-Zinder-Diffa-N'Guigmi
- National Road N25: Niamey, Birni Konni (Border with Nigeria), Tahoua, Agadez, Arlit
The Autonomous Port of Cotonou is the principal port of the Nigerien exports (uranium)
- Cotonou (Benin), Porto-Novo, Parakou, Kandi, Niger

Access to the Autonomous Port of Lomé.
- Masters: Business in Africa, Transport and Logistics in Africa
- Doctorate in African Business

More information: Trade and Business in Niger, at EENI Global Business School Website.

Trade and Business Organisations (Niger)
- West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)
- U.S.-WAEMU Agreement
- Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
- Niger Basin Authority
- Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD)
- G5 Sahel

- African Union
- Economic Commission for Africa
- African Development Bank
The name of the capital is the same as that of the region.
- Each Nigerien region is divided into 63 departments
- 265 Communes: 52 urban and 213 rural (12,700 villages)
- 4 urban communities

- Population density of Niger: 13,5 inhabitants/km²
- Religion of the Republic of Niger: Sunni Islam (96% of the Nigerien population)
- Area of Niger: 1.267,000 km²
- Niger is a semi-presidential Republic
- Niger obtained its Independence from France in 1960
- Calling code of Niger: 227
- Country code top-level domain of Niger: .ne

The Nigerien Songhai Historian and poet HE Boubou Hama was born in Foneko (Niger)

Nigerien Ethnicities
- Hausa
- 55% of the Nigerien population
- Hausa live in the Central region and east of Niger, Hausa are very important in Nigeria
- Zarma
- 18,2% of the Nigerien population
Other minor Nigerien ethnic groups (less than 10% of the population)
- Tuareg: 9% of the Nigerien population, North and North-East of Niger
- Fula: 8% of the Nigerien population
- Kanouri: 4% of the Nigerien population, East of Niger
- Songhai: 4% of the Nigerien population, West of Niger
- Gourmantché (Gurma), Toubou, Arab and Buduma
Languages of Niger
The official language of Niger is French but Arab is very used by
the Nigerien.
- Hausa: 56% of the Nigerien population
- Songhai and Zarma: 19% of the Nigerien population
- Tuareg (Tamajeq): 8% of the Nigerien population
- Fulfuldé (Fula): 8% of the Nigerien population
- Kanouri: 4,8% of the Nigerien population
- Other minority languages are Gourmantché (Gurma), Toubou and Buduma
History of Niger
- VIII millennium BC: ceramics from the Aïr massif (Sahara)
- I millennium BC, the Berbers (Maghreb) arrive by the Trans-Saharan routes to Niger, the native populations are displaced towards the South (Sahel)
- Creation of the Songhai Empire (7th century), from the 10th
century the capital of the Songhai Empire was Gao
- 11th Century: Islamisation of Niger (conversion to Islam of the Kings of Moukia)
- Fall of the Songhai Empire (591) due to the attacks of the Saadians
- 17th - 19th centuries: Hausa (in the south), Tuareg and Fula
control the region
- 1890: France conquer Niger.
- 1922: beginning of the French Colonisation (French West Africa)
- Since 2011 Niger has a democratic government
Higher Education in Niger
Niger is a member of the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES)
Níger (c) Africa - EENI Global Business School