Africa EENI Global Business School

Business in Parakou, Bembéréké, Borgou (Benin)

Transport and Foreign Trade in Parakou, Alibori, Atacora, Kalalé, N'Dali, Nikki, Bembéréké, Borgou, Pèrèrè

Parakou is the county capital of the Borgou Department (North of the Republic of Benin, West Africa)

  1. Population of Parakou (Benin): 255,000 inhabitants
  2. Main economic activities in Parakou: peanut oil, forestry, brewing, transport, tourism and cotton production

Transport and Logistics

  1. Distances from Parakou to:
    1. Cotonou (Port of Cotonou ): 415 kilometres
    2. Porto-Novo: 400 kilometres
    3. Djougou: 135 kilometres
    4. Abomey-Calavi: 402 kilometres
    5. Kétou: 140 kilometres
  2. Route RNIE2: Cotonou, Porto-Novo, Parakou, Kandi, Niger
  3. Parakou is located at 862 kilometres of the border with Nigeria

Transport, Trade and Business in Benin Benin (Parakou)

Parakou (Benin) Trade Business

  1. Masters: Business in Africa, Transport and Logistics in Africa
  2. Doctorate in African Business

More information: Trade and Business in Benin at EENI Global Business School Website.

Transport, Trade and Business in Parakou, Benin

  1. Religion in Parakou:
    1. 50% are Muslims
    2. 30% of the population is Christian
    3. African Traditional Religions
  2. Most spoken language in Parakou: French
    1. Other spoken languages in Parakou are Bariba, Yoruba, Fon, Dendi and Hausa
  3. Parakou Ethnographic Museum
  4. 1700: Kingdom of Parakou

Borgou Department (East of Benin)

  1. Border of the Borgou Department with Nigeria
  2. Contiguous Beninese Departments: Alibori, Atacora, Collines and Donga
  3. Population of the Borgou Department: 1.2 million inhabitants
  4. Main ethnicities of the Borgou Department: Bariba, Fula, Dendi and Yoruba
  5. Area of the Borgou Department: 25,856 km²

Communes of the Borgou Department:

  1. Bembéréké (131,000 inhabitants)
  2. Kalalé (100,000 inhabitants)
  3. N'Dali (113,000 inhabitants)
  4. Nikki
  5. Parakou (County capital)
  6. Pèrèrè
  7. Sinendé
  8. Tchaourou

Higher Education in Parakou (Benin)

  1. University of Parakou

Business in Africa (Spanish) Parakou (Benín) Trade and Business in Africa (French) Parakou (Bénin) Business in Africa (Portuguese) Parakou (Benim)

(c) Africa - EENI Global Business School