Africa EENI Global Business School

Foreign Trade and Transport in Gabon, Libreville

Business in Gabon, Port-Gentil, Libreville, Franceville, Oyem, Logistics

Gabon (the Gabonese Republic) is a Central African country

  1. Libreville is the political and administrative capital of Gabon
  2. Port-Gentil is the Gabonese economic capital
  3. The largest Gabonese cities are Libreville, Franceville, Moanda, Oyem, Mouila, Lambaréné, Koulamoutou, Makokou and Tchibanga
  4. The main Gabonese resources are Petroleum, gas, iron, manganese and forest resources (wood, 13% of the Gabonese GDP)
    1. Gabon is a member of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
    2. Hydrocarbons (Port-Gentil): 50% of the Gabonese GDP and 80% of the Gabonese exports
    3. Gabon is one of the three largest manganese exporters in the world
  5. Gabon is considered one of the most prosperous African countries
  6. The headquarters of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEEAC) are in Libreville
  7. Gabon has the highest HDI (UN human development index) in Sub-Saharan Africa
  8. Currency of Gabon: CFA Franc (XAF)
  9. Gabon share borders with Cameroon (298 kilometres), Equatorial Guinea (350 kilometres) and the Republic of the Congo (1.903 kilometres)

Logistics and Transportation in Gabon

Only 10% of the Gabonese Road Transport network (9,170 kilometres) is paved.

No road is linking Libreville with Port-Gentil (river or maritime transport must be used).

National Road 2: Ambam (Cameroon), Gabon and Equatorial Guinea.

Anonébéré, Bifoun, Alembe, Viate, Mitzic, Bibasse, Oyem, Bitam, Éboro, Cameroon

Distance from Gabon to Dolisie (Republic of the Congo): 200 kilometres

Ports of Libreville, Mayumba and Port-Gentil

Port of Owendo (Libreville)

Logistics: Ports of Gabon

Franceville-Libreville Railway (Trans-Gabonese, 669 kilometres)

  1. Minerals and timber exports from Franceville region through the port of Owendo (Libreville)

River transport (1,600 kilometres) available from Port-Gentil and the Port of Owendo

Transport, Trade and Business in Libreville Gabon

International airports:

  1. Libreville
  2. Port-Gentil
  3. Franceville

Transport, Trade and Business in Gabon: Foreign Trade Gabon

  1. Masters: Business in Africa, Transport and Logistics in Africa
  2. Doctorate in African Business

Gabon: Transport, Business

More information: Trade and Business in Gabon, at EENI Global Business School Website.

Transport, Trade and Business in Gabon

  1. Gabon is a Republic
  2. Gabon obtained its Independence from France in 1960
  3. Calling code of Gabon: 241
  4. Code top-level domain of Gabon: .ga
  5. Gabonese population: 1,9 million inhabitants
  6. Gabonese Population density: 6.3 inhabitants/km²

Transport, Trade and Business in Central Africa (Angola, Burundi, Cameroon...

  1. Area of Gabon: 267,667 km²
  2. Climate of Gabon: equatorial, warm and humid
  3. Lopé National Park (UNESCO World Heritage)
  4. The jungle covers 85% of the Gabonese territory
  5. Length of the Gabonese coastline: 885 kilometres
  6. Mount Bengoué: 1,070 meters

The main rivers of Gabon are:

  1. Ogooué (1,200 kilometres)
  2. Ivindo (500 kilometres)
  3. Ngounié (300 kilometres)
  4. Nyanga (600 kilometres)
  5. Komo (230 kilometres)

Logistics, Trade and Business in Gabon

Provinces of Gabon

The nine regions of Gabon are (in brackets: capital/population in miles of inhabitants/area):

Business Provinces of Gabon

  1. Estuary (Libreville/895/20,740)
  2. Upper Ogooué (Franceville/250/36,547)
  3. Moyen-Ogooué (Lambaréné/69/18,535)
  4. Ngounié (Mouila/100/37,750)
  5. Nyanga (Tchibanga/52/21,285)
  6. Ogooué-Ivindo (Makokou/63/46,075)
  7. Ogooué-Lolo (Koulamoutou/65/25,380)
  8. Ogooué Maritime (Port-Gentil/157/22,890)
  9. Woleu-Ntem (Oyem/154/38,465)

Trade and Business Organisations (Gabon)

  1. Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC)
  2. Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS)
  3. Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa (OHADA)
  4. Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD)
  5. Bank of Central African States (BEA)
  6. OIF
  7. Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
  8. African Union
  10. Economic Commission for Africa
  11. African Development Bank

Main Gabonese ethnicities:

In Gabon, there are more than 50 ethnicities:

  1. Fang (32% of the Gabonese)
  2. Mpongwè (or Myènè, 15% of the Gabonese)
  3. Obamba (Mbédé, 14%)
  4. Punu (12%)
  5. Other ethnicities are Guisir, Vili, Nzebi, Bakota, Vungu and Téké

Religions in the Gabonese Republic

  1. Christianity (73% of the Gabonese population)
    1. Catholics
    2. Protestants
  2. Islam (12%)
  3. African Traditional Religions

Languages of Gabon

In Gabon there are more than 50 Bantu languages:

  1. Baka (Pygmy language)

The official language of Gabon is French (80% of the Gabonese population)

History of Gabon

  1. Fossils (2.1 billion years old, Franceville)
  2. 400,000 years: traces of the first Gabonese oblations
  3. 5,000 years:
    1. First known inhabitants: the Pygmy
    2. Bantu Migrations (cattle breeding)
  4. 1st millennium BC: metallurgy
  5. Centuries XI - XVIII: the Mpongwe, a Bantu group, settle in the Estuary province
  6. 15th century: Portuguese (Gabão) and Dutch arrive
  7. Slave Trade (the Mpongwe)
  8. 19th century: the Fang (Bantu)
  9. 1886: French colony. Merged with the Congo (Gabon-Congo)
  10. 1910: integration in French Equatorial Africa
  11. 1946: overseas territory
  12. 1960: Independence of Gabon. Léon Mba (first minister)
  13. 1967: Omar Bongo (monoparty)
  14. 1990: multiparty
  15. 2009: Ali Bongo (son of Omar Bongo)

Higher Education in Gabon

LMD System (Bachelor of Science-Master-Doctorate)- Ministry Gabonese of Higher Education

  1. Bachelors of Science (BSc): L1 and L2
  2. Master: 2 years
  3. Doctorate: 2 years

Gabonese universities:

  1. University Omar Bongo (UOB) (Libreville)
  2. University Continental of Libreville
  3. Polytechnic University of Kougouleu
  4. University of Science and Techniques of Masuku
  5. Higher Institute of Technology (IST)

Gabon is a member of the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES) and the Francophone University Agency (AUF)

Business in Africa (Spanish) Gabón Trade and Business in Africa (French) Gabon eLearning Tertiary education in Portuguese Gabão

(c) Africa - EENI Global Business School