International Trade in Togo
Togolese Republic (Business Togo) Port of Lomé, Kpalimé, Atakpamé, Bassar, Sokodé, Kara
Togo is a
West African country
- The political capital of Togo is Lomé
- The largest Togolese cities by population are (thousands of people):
- Lomé (796)
- Sokodé (118)
- Kara (109)
- Kpalimé (101)
- Other cities: Atakpamé, Bassar, Tsévié, Aného, Mango and Dapaong
- Togo share borders with Benin, Burkina Faso and Ghana
- Currency of Togo: CFA Franc
- Togo = Togodo (“beyond the river”) in Ewé language
Study Online at EENI Global Business School
- Masters: Business in Africa, Transport in Africa, International Business, Foreign Trade
- Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics
More information: Business in Togo, at EENI Website.
- Official language of Togo: French
- Ewé and Kabiyé are national languages
- Total Togolese area: 56,785 km²
- Total Togolese population: 7.6 million inhabitants
- Average density: 133 inhabitants per square kilometre
- Togolese life expectancy: 64.5 years
- Calling code of Togo: 228
- Togolese Country code top-level domain: .tg
- Climate of Togo: tropical
Religion in Togo:
- African Traditional Religions (50% of the Togolese population)
- Christianity (Catholicism: 26%)
- Islam (15%)
Regions of the Togolese Republic
The Togolese Republic is composed of five administrative regions. The Togolese regions (County capital) are:
Maritime region (Lomé)
- Highlands region (plateaux) (Atakpamé)
- Central region (Sokodé)
- Kara region (Kara)
- Savanna region (Savanes) (Dapaong)
Trade Organisations (Togo)
- Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
- West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU/ UEMOA)
- U.S.-WAEMU Agreement
- Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD)
- African Union
- Economic Commission for Africa
- African Development Bank
Transport and Logistics in Togo:
Port of Lomé:
Togo Free Zone
Road: Mali, Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), Lomé
Access to the Benin-Niger-Burkina Faso-Ivory Coast Railway loop (by Cotonou)
Access to the Dakar-Lagos Corridor
Togolese Ethnicities:
More than 50 ethnicities live in Togo. The most important is the Kwa group.
- Kwa group
- Gen (South of Togo)
- Ewe people (South of Togo, 22% of the Togolese population)
- Outachi (10% of the Togolese population)
- Gur group. Kabiyè (North and Centre of Togo, 13% of the Togolese population)
- Other Togolese ethnicities:
- Centre of Togo: Tem and Tchamba
- North of Togo: Moba-Gurma and Batammariba
Ewe Fetish (African Art Exhibition: “The Animal, A Sacred Symbol”)
History of Togo
- XVI - XIX Centuries: Slave Trade
- 1884 - 1918: German protectorate (King Mlapa III)
- 1919: French occupation (French Togo)
- 1946: UN
- Independence (France): April 1960.
- First President: Sylvanus Olympio
Higher Education in Togo
LMD System (Bachelor of Science, Master, Doctorate) Togolese Ministry
of Higher Education and Research
- University of Lomé
- University of Kara
- National School of Administration (Lomé and Kara)
- African School of Crafts, Architecture and Urbanism (Lomé)
- University of Sciences and Technologies of Togo (Lomé)
- Free Bilingual University of Togo (Lomé)
Togo is a member of the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES)
Togo (c) EENI Global Business School
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