Business in Kétou, Plateau (Benin)
Trade and Business in Kétou, Adja-Ouèrèé, Ifangni, Pobè, Sakét (Benin), Yoruba
The city of Kétou is the County capital of Plateau Department, South-East of the Republic of
Benin (West Africa)
- population of Kétou (Benin): 157,000 inhabitants
- Main economic activities in Kètou: trade and agriculture
- Distances from Kétou to:
- Cotonou (Port of Cotonou ): 140 kilometres
- Porto-Novo: 100 kilometres
- Parakou: 322 kilometres
- Djougou: 415 kilometres
- Border of Kétou with Nigeria (17 kilometres, Ilara)
Study Online at EENI Global Business School
Benin (Kétou)
- Masters: Business in Africa, Transport in Africa, Foreign Trade, International Business
- Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics
More information: Business in Benin
at EENI Website.
- Main ethnic group: Yoruba
- Other ethnicities in Kétou: Fon, Mahi and Holli
- Most spoken language in Kètou: French
- Other spoken languages in Kètou are Yoruba, Fongbe and Mahi
- Kings of Kétou
- Gueledes Masks (UNESCO World
cultural Heritage)
Beninese Plateau Department (South-West of Benin)
- Population of Plateau Department: 624,000 inhabitants
- Area of Plateau Department: 3,264 km²
- Communes:
- Adja-Ouèrè (116,000 inhabitants)
- Ifangni (110,000 inhabitants)
- Kétou
- Pobè (Prefecture) (123,000 inhabitants)
- Sakété (114,000 inhabitants), 60 kilometres to the Port of Cotonou
Higher Education in Kétou (Benin)
- National School of Administration and Magistracy
- National University of Agriculture (UNA) - Kétou
Kétou (Benín)
Kétou (Bénin)
Kétou (Benim) (c) EENI Global Business School
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