Business in Maputo (Mozambique)
Foreign Trade in Maputo: 20% of the Mozambican GDP. Boan, Marracuene, Matola
Maputo is the economic, financial, political and administrative
capital of
Mozambique (East Africa)
- Population of Maputo: 1.1 million people (5.4% of the Mozambican population)
- 1980: 0.5 million
- Maputo is the largest Mozambican city
- Maputo agglomeration (commune of Matola and the neighbourhoods of Boane
and Marracuene): 3.2 million people
- Maputo represents 20% of the Mozambican GDP
- Maputo concentrates most of services and headquarters
of the large economic groups and companies, both publics and privates
- Main economic activities in Maputo: trade, Foreign Trade, transport and
- Main industries in Maputo: chemical and food
- Main agricultural products of Maputo: lettuce, cabbage,
pumpkin, garlic.
- The Port of Maputo is the second Mozambican port (Transport and Logistics in Mozambique)
- Distance from Maputo to:
- Beira: 1,190 kilometres
- Nampula: 2,065 kilometres
- Quelimane: 1,600 kilometres
- Link by Rail and Road network with South Africa, Eswatini and Zimbabwe.
- Maputo Development Corridor
- Maputo International Airport (the largest in Mozambique)
- Maputo is near the border with South Africa (120 kilometres) and
Eswatini (80 kilometres)
Study Online at EENI Global Business School
Mozambique - Maputo
Enrol, study and receive your European Diploma
- Masters: Business in Africa, Transport in Africa, International Business, Foreign Trade
- Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics
More information: Business in Mozambique, at EENI Training Portal.
- Area of the municipality of Maputo: 346.77 km²
- Adjacent districts to Maputo: Marracuene, Matola, Boane and Matutuíne
- Maputo is on the western coast of Maputo Bay, on the estuary of
Espírito Santo (rivers Tembe, Umbeluzi, Matola and Infulene), in the extreme
south of Mozambique.
- Maputo: Lourenço Marques until 1976
- Climate of Maputo: tropical dry
- Main religion in Maputo: Christianity
- Archdiocese of Maputo
- 1782: foundation
of Maputo (History of Mozambique)
Higher Education in Maputo (Mozambique)
- Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM)
- Pedagogical University (UP)
- Polytechnic University
- Technical University of Mozambique (UDM)
- University of São Tomé of Mozambique (USTM)
- Academy of Police Sciences (ACIPOL)
- Higher Institute of Health Sciences (ISCISA)
- Higher Institute of International Relations (ISRI)
- Higher Institute Monitor (ISM)
- Higher Institute of Techniques and Technologies of Mozambique (ISCTEM)
- Higher Institute of Transportation (ISUTC)
- Institute of Technology and Management (ISTEG)
Maputo, Mozambique
Maputo, Mozambique
Maputo, Moçambique (c) EENI Global Business School
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