Africa EENI Global Business School

Business in Freetown (Sierra Leone, Port)

International Trade and Transport in Freetown (Sierra Leone): the largest African natural harbour

Freetown is the capital of Sierra Leone (west area) (Trade and Business in West Africa)

  1. Population of Freetown (West urban district): 1 million inhabitants
    1. Freetown is the largest Sierra Leonean city
  2. Freetown is the economic, educational and political centre of Sierra Leone (headquarters of the largest companies)
  3. The Headquarters of the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation are in Freetown
  4. The main economic activities in Freetown are food and beverage processing, fish processing, rice, oil refining, diamond cutting, cigarette making, painting, shoes and beer.

Transport and Logistics

  1. The Port of Freetown (Sierra Leone river estuary) is the largest natural port of the African continent
    1. The Port of Freetown, is the main Port for Sierra Leonean exports and imports
    2. Main exports are diamonds, rice, fishing products, and petroleum
    3. Cement Plant (Heidelberg Cement)
  2. Access to the Dakar-Lagos Transport Corridor
  3. Lungi International Airport, located in the city of Lungi, on the other side of the estuary of Freetown

Study a Master in Business in Sierra Leone Sierra Leonean Students (Sierra Leone).

Sierra Leonean Students from Freetown, International Business

  1. Masters: Trade and Business in Africa, Transport and Logistics in Africa
  2. Doctorate in African Business

More information: Trade and Business in Sierra Leone, at EENI Global Business School Website.

International Trade and Business in Sierra Leone

  1. Virtually all the ethnic groups in Sierra Leone are present in Freetown, no ethnic group does not make up the majority of the population of Freetown.
  2. The main language in Freetown is Krio
  3. Freetown was built by former slaves released in 1787
  4. 1808 - 187: Freetown was the capital of the British West Africa
  5. Important ravages of the Sierra Leonean civil war

Study Business in Sierra Leone

Higher Education in Freetown (Republic of Sierra Leone)

  1. Njala University
  2. Fourah Bay College

Business in Africa (Spanish) Freetown (Sierra Leone) Trade and Business in Africa (French) Freetown (Sierra Leone) Business in Africa (Portuguese) Freetown (Serra Leoa)

(c) Africa - EENI Global Business School