Business in Shubra El Kheima (Egypt)
Foreign Trade in Shubra El Kheima (logistic centre of Northern Egypt), Qalyubia, Banha
Shubra El Kheima (Choubra) is the capital of the Qalyubia
Governorate of
Egypt (north-east Africa)
- شبرا الخيمة in Arabic
- Population of Shubra El Kheima: 1 million inhabitants
- Shubra El Kheima is the fourth largest city of Egypt,
Cairo, Giza and Alexandria.
- The two districts (kism) of Shubra El Kheima are:
- Shubra El Kheima 1 (0.4 millions inhabitants)
- Shubra El Kheima 2 (0.6 millions inhabitants)
- Shubra El Kheima is part of the Greater Cairo agglomeration.
- Shubra El Kheima is an important logistics centre of Northern Egypt (Transport and Logistics in Egypt)
Roads toward Cairo (Nile Cornice), Giza, Sharqyia and Manofia.
- Mohamed Ali Palace
Study Online at EENI Global Business School
Egyptian Students from Shubra El Kheima
- Masters: Business in Africa, Transport in Africa, International Business, Foreign Trade
- Doctorates: African Business, Global Logistics, World Trade
Masters adapted to the Egyptian Students
More information: Business in Egypt, at EENI Website.
Qalyubia Governorate
- محافظة القليوبية in Arabic
- Qalyubia governorate: Lower Egypt, north of Cairo (Nile Delta
- The capital of the Qalyubia Governorate is Banha
- Population of Banha: 166,000 inhabitants
- Population of the agglomeration: 2.5 millions inhabitants
- Banha is between Cairo and Alexandria
- Banha is an important Logistics centre of the Nile Delta
- Area of the Qalyubia Governorate: 1,001 kilometres
- Population of the Qalyubia Governorate: 5 millions inhabitants
- The main cities are Banha, Khanka, El Qanater El Khayreya, Kafr Shukr, Qaha, Qalyub, Shibin El Qanater, Shubra El Kheima, Tukh, Obour City and Khusus
- The main economic activity of the Qalyubia Governorate region is agriculture
- The main crops are fruits, vegetables, corn and cotton
- The Qalyubia Governorate has four industrial zones in Al Shorouk, Al Safa, Al
Aqrasha and the Al Obour industrial zone
Higher Education in Shubra El Kheima - Egypt
- BanUniversity
- Damietta University
Shubra El Kheima
Shubra El Kheima
Shubra El Kheima
- Suez
- Port Said
(c) EENI Global Business School
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