Africa EENI Global Business School

Business in Lubango (Huíla) Angola

Foreign Trade in Lubango, Huíla, Angola. Mwila. Agriculture

Lubango, one of the most beautiful Angolan regions, is the administrative capital of the Huíla province in Southern Angola (Central Africa)

  1. Population of Lubango: 732,000 inhabitants
  2. The main economic activities of Lubango are agriculture (cereals, tobacco, fruits) and meat
  3. Some manufacturing industries specialise in food packaging, leather tanning and consumer goods production.
  4. Area of Lubango: 3,147 km²
  5. Lubango is on the plateau of Huíla
  6. Main language in Lubango is Portuguese
  7. Main religion in Lubango is Christianity
    1. Archdiocese of Lubango

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Business in Angola, Port of Luanda. Diamonds, Isabel do Santos (Foreign Trade) Angola - Lubango

Enrol, study and receive your European Diploma

  1. Masters: Business in Africa, Foreign Trade, International Business
  2. Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics

Angola from Lubango (Business)

More information: Business in Angola, at EENI Website.

Foreign Trade and Business in Lubango Angola

  1. Elevation of Lubango: 1.720 metres (Lubango is the highest city of Angola)
  2. Climate of Lubango: oceanic or tropical of altitude
  3. The communes are Lubango, Arimba, Hoque and Huila.
  4. The contiguous municipalities of Lubango are Quilengues, Cacula, Chibia, Humpata and Bibala
  5. 1884 - 1975: Sá da Bandeira (History of Angola)
  6. Huíla National Park.

Huíla province (Angola)

  1. Capital: Lubango
  2. Population of the Huíla province: 2.6 million people
  3. Area of the Huíla province: 79,002 km²
  4. The municipalities are Caconda, Cacula, Caluquembe, Chiange, Chibia, Chicomba, Chipindo, Cuvango, Humpata, Jamba, Lubango, Matala, Quilengues and Quipungo.
  5. Neighbouring provinces: Namibe, Benguela, Bié, Cuando Cubango, Cunene
  6. The main ethnic group in Huíla are Mwila (Nhaneca-Humbe)
  7. The first inhabitants of the region was Khoisan
  8. The main language in Huíla is Portuguese
  9. The basket manufacturing is an important industry in the in Huíla province
  10. Tourism is emerging, largely due to white entrepreneurs from Namibia
  11. Bicauri National Park

Transport and Logistics in Lubango - Angola

  1. Lubango Airport
  2. Moçâmedes railway (CFM)
  3. The provincial Railway network allows Foreign Trade, Transport of people and goods between Lubango/Namibe and Matala/Namibe

Port of Lobito, Angola. Benguela Railway. Access to DR Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe Port of Lobito

Higher Education in Lubango (Angola)

  1. University of Mandume and Ndemufayo (Lubango)
  2. Private University of Angola (Luanda, campus of Lubango)

Study Master Business Foreign Trade in Spanish Lubango (Angola) Trade and Business in Africa (French) Lubango (Angola) Study, Master, Global Business, Foreign Trade, Portuguese Lubango (Angola)

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