Africa EENI Global Business School

Geneviève Barro: Scientific Research Missions

Scientific Research Missions (Geneviève Barro, EENI Global Business School)

Scientific Research Missions

  1. October 15 to November 16, 2016: study trip to the mathematics laboratory and its applications at the University of PAU and the Adour countries in France. Modelling, simulation and numerical analysis. Use of factorial methods for the statistical treatment and analysis of multivariable data.
  2. 31 June to 26 July 2014: study trip to the mathematics laboratory and its applications at the University of PAU and the Adour countries in France.
  3. Modelling, simulation and numerical analysis. Use of factorial methods for the statistical treatment and analysis of multivariable data
  4. March 13 to 27, 2014: scientific stays with the numerical analysis research team of the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Cheikh Anta Diop University (Senegal).
  5. January 19 to February 19, 2013: study trip to the mathematics laboratory and its applications at the University of PAU and the Adour countries in France; Modelling, simulation and numerical analysis. Strengthening capacities in the use of statistical treatment methods of multivariable data.
  6. August 15 - September 25, 2010: study trip to the mathematics laboratory and its applications at the University of PAU and the Adour countries in France; Modelling, simulation and numerical analysis. Strengthening capacities in the use of statistical treatment methods of multivariable data.
  7. June 15-21, 2012: scientific stay in the laboratory of Molecular Atomic Spectroscopy and its applications (LSAMA) of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Tunis EL Manar (Tunisia).
  8. June-August 2003: 3-month stay in the Numerical Analysis Laboratory of the Sheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal.
  9. June-August 2002: 3-month stay at the Numerical Analysis Laboratory of the Sheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal.

Geneviève Barro (Professor, EENI Business School)

Trade and Business in Africa (French) EENI Global Business School Study a Master International Trade in Spanish EENI Global Business School Study, Master, Global Business, Foreign Trade, Portuguese EENI Global Business School

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