Africa EENI Global Business School

Business in Asmara, Maekel (Eritrea)

Foreign Trade in Asmara (Eritrea), Acria, Abbashaul, Edaga Hamus

Asmara is the economic, political and administrative capital of Eritrea (East Africa)

  1. ኣስመራ «they made them join» in Tigrinya
  2. Population of Asmara: 0.8 million people
    1. Asmara agglomeration: 1.2 million people
    2. Asmara is the largest Eritrean city
  3. Most Eritrean companies are based in Asmara
  4. The main industrial products of Asmara are textiles, clothing, shoes, processed meat and beer
  5. 2017: Asmara was declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO
  6. The main religion in Asmara is Orthodox Christianity (89% of the population)
    1. Eritrean Orthodox Church

Study Online at EENI Global Business School

Study in Eritrea: Master, Doctorate, Trade Eritrean Students from Asmara

  1. Masters: Business in Africa, Transport in Africa, International Business, Foreign Trade
  2. Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics

Eritrean Students, Master in Foreign Trade

Masters and Doctorates in International Business adapted to the Eritrean Students

More information: Business in Eritrea, at EENI Training Portal.

Business in Eritrea, Asmara. Eritrean Economy and Foreign Trade

  1. Region: Maekel (ማእከል), in the centre of Eritrea
    1. 1996: foundation of Maekel region
  2. The districts of Asmara are Acria, Abbashaul, Edaga Hamus, Arbaete Asmara, Mai Temenai, Paradizo, Sembel, Godaif, Maekel Ketema or Downtown, Tiravolo, Gejeret, Tsetserat and Gheza Banda.
  3. Elevation of Asmara: 2,325 metres (Plateau of Hamasen)
  4. Eritrean National Museum
  5. Asmara began to grow rapidly when it was occupied by Italy in 1889 (History of Eritrea)
    1. Administrative and commercial capital of the Italian East Africa

Study in Asmara (Eritrea) Master

Transport and Logistics in Eritrea

  1. Railway to Agordat and to the Port of Massawa
  2. Asmara International Airport
  3. Roads to:
    1. Ghinda-Massawa
    2. Adi Tekelezan-Keren
    3. Adi Keyh-Senafe
    4. Mendefera-Marebeluve River (border with Ethiopia)

Higher Education in Asmara (Eritrea)

  1. University of Asmara
  2. Institute of Technology of Eritrea
  3. Institute of Religious Studies of Asmara

Study Master Business Foreign Trade in Spanish Asmara, Eritrea Trade and Business in Africa (French) Asmara, Érythree Study, Master, Global Business, Foreign Trade, Portuguese Asmara, Eritréia

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